Customer Service

Customer Service Representatives

Outsource your Customer Service Rep tasks to a highly competent assistant from the Philippines through Outshore.

Get Customer Service Representatives from the Philippines!

Outshore offers exceptional virtual customer service and technical support outsourcing services from the Philippines. Enhance customer satisfaction by bringing on board support staff who specialize in:

  • Email, phone, and live chat support
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Developing strong relationships with customers
  • Providing administrative back-office support
  • Maintaining customer loyalty and expanding your business
  • Troubleshooting and customer service.

At Outshore, we offer highly competitive compensation to our pool of qualified Customer Service Representatives based in the Philippines.

This allows us to attract the most talented and experienced individuals, ensuring that our clients
receive top-notch assistance at an affordable price point.

Highly competent and service-oriented

Friendly, customer-cen tric, and service-minded – in the Philippines, English is taught as one of two official languages in schools, producing a highly competent pool of customer service representatives. Furthermore, Filipinos have a friendly, customer-focused, and service-oriented culture. Our customer service team at Outshore is seasoned, well-educated, and often indistinguishable from onshore staff.

At Outshore, we simplify the process of hiring experienced Customer Service representatives from the Philippines. We thoroughly vet and endorse all potential candidates for your review, ensuring that their ability to effectively represent your brand.

Partner with us!

By partnering with us, you can experience the benefits of having a skilled virtual assistant without the hassle and expense of hiring someone locally.

Contact us today to learn more about how our virtual assistants can help you.

Simplify your life and achieve your business goals.

Need some more info? Here are some Frequently Asked Questions.

This is totally up to you. However, most interactions are typically conducted through live chat, email, or phone. To facilitate phone communication, you will need to establish your own VoIP phone system. Our account managers can recommend some providers to assist.

Like every workplace, unfortunately sickness and absenteeism are unavoidable. As your candidate is exclusively dedicated to you, there is no backup person available to cover their duties during their absence. Remember, you will not be charged the hours that are not worked.

Once hired, your Customer Service Rep will be an exclusive employee of your organisation, adhering to the same work schedule every day in your preferred time zone. They will not be servicing several clients whilst appointed to you.

This will ultimately depend on the successful candidate, but our candidates generally possess outstanding English language proficiency. You can assess their communication abilities during the interview process, and if required, conduct additional examinations to validate their overall skill sets. There is no pressure to hire a candidate that you aren’t totally confident in.

To ensure round-the-clock coverage, you would need to hire three staff members as each one will work an 8-hour shift.

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